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Compensation Scheme

Delays and cancellations

Ærøfærgerne have in accordance with EU Regulation 1177 / 2010  established a compensation scheme to safe guard the rights of our passengers in case of delays or cancellations of our services.

The specific legal foundation for it can be found on

Which delays and cancellations are exempt:

Ærøfærgerne are not obliged to pay compensation in case of delays occurring at arrival, which are due to weather or other conditions which prevent the completion of the journey and which are considered non-avoidable under the circumstances; force majeure.

Compensation is not payable for journeys which are not prepaid or subject to an actual confirmed reservation with Ærøfærgerne.

Which delays and cancellations are compensated:

Pre-paid journeys which are not exempt in above paragraph and which meet the following criteria:

A delay  in excess of  1 hour is compensated with 25% of paid ticket price

A delay in excess of 2 hours is compensated with 50% of paid ticket price

If the ticket purchased is a return ticket, the compensation will always be reduced by 50% of the return price.

In case of delays or cancellations in excess of 90 minutes more than the scheduled journey time,  Ærøfærgerne will offer refreshments on board.

Compensation for overnight accommodation will only be compensated up to 80 EUROS per night and no more than 3 nights will be compensated.

Ticket changes in case of delays and cancellations

In case of delays in excess of 90 minutes, the passenger can without any extra cost rebook their journey on the same route.

Alternatively the passenger can receive a refund of the full ticket price as specified in above paragraphs or travel at no further cost on a different route.

Further information

In case of delays or cancellations passengers will be notified no later than 30 minutes after the planned departure time, where ever possible.

Ærøfærgerne use their homepage, text message service to the mobile number provided by the passenger at time of reservation as well as on board public address system to provide information on delays and cancellations.

Further information is provided via traffic radio, information boards at the ferry berths and mail and text notification for future affected reservations.

The passenger must complete the compensation application form located at the bottom of this page to apply for compensation.

Please attach a copy of your ticket and proof of payment together with other relevant documentation.

Compensation due will be transferred to the payment card used originally or another specific bank account depending on both the customer wishes and Ærøfærgerne’s ability to meet those.

The application will be processed as quickly as possible.

For further information please contact us on +45 62524000.

Application form

Application for Ærøfærgerne Compensation scheme


kreditkort bw

Ærøfærgerne v/Ærø Kommune - Vestergade 1A - 5970 Ærøskøbing
Tlf: +45 62524000 - Email: - CVR: 28856075

General Data Protection Regulation at Ærøfærgerne